Our international sales team has been putting the kilometres in lately, with heaps of travelling the world to overseas shows, meeting with our export customers, and visiting florists in many cities.
Harold went to Europe and the Middle East, taking in Austria, Switzerland, Germany, the Netherlands and Dubai, plus a visit to the huge IPM Essen world trade fair.
Paul went to South Korea and Japan, then after a quick change, in the other direction to the east coast of the USA to the Potomac Floral Wholesale annual show.

Here you can see how shiny and clean Swiss wholesalers are – not a leaf on the floor!

Harold spotted our Steel Grass and Flexi Grass™ at a wholesaler, tagged ready for sale.

And here’s our Umbrella Fern™ in a pretty pastel bouquet with gerbera and lisianthus..

The florists in Japan are very stylish – we like this one with dark walls and natural wood mixed with metal.

There’s no fancy limo travel for our sales team – here’s a shot of the Seoul Bus Terminal…

Paul went to Japan and Korea where he saw the auctions in action,

took a look at our foliages at the local wholesaler,

and some lovely Brunia

Our tabletop stand at Potomac Floral Wholesale showed the florist visitors how beautiful our Australian native foliages are. Can you spot the little koalas helping to identify each variety?

A big crowd at Potomac for designer Rene van Rems – he made great use of our foliages

Paul picked up some nifty ideas from the demonstration…

like making a frame with lengths of Steel Grass and a collar of Sea Star Fern™

Rene van Rems showing how it’s done

Another nifty idea is using grass to cover the stems of a cascading orchid bouquet

We’d recommend Flexi Grass™ as it’s smooth to touch the whole way along

A generous flourish of our grasses adds instant height to a vase

Sea Star Fern™ mixes well with a romantic feminine style

echoes the curves of veronica and leucospermum,

and pairs with Umbrella Fern™ in an autumnal arrangement
PS. It’s not all globetrotting here – we also look after our local customers too. Florists across south east Queensland have been getting a visit from Emma and Courtney from our domestic sales team. They’ve been giving retail florists a first-hand introduction to our all year round foliages and our seasonal flower lines. If you’d like them to show you the retail range, please get in touch!