Flexi Grass™

  • Scientific Name : Schoenus melanostachys
  • Availability : Throughout the year
  • Size : 90cm long
  • Care : For maximum life and minimum wastage – keep our foliages in their packaging, in the box (if possible), in your coldroom or fridge. This slows the ageing process. They will store easily, and last up to 4 weeks this way. Remove the sleeves and cut the stems when you are ready to use them.

Appearance & Use

Our fabulous famous Flexi Grass™ is extraordinarily versatile. It can be bent, woven and twisted without breakage to create unique floral arrangements.

Thread berries or beads onto the stems for a unique bouquet look. Loop lengths over an arrangement to add space and movement. Flexi Grass™ is smooth to handle and easy to work with.

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Get Inspired : Design Gallery


Nicolai Bergman

Stunning minimalist wave of pure Flexi Grass™

Helny Suryani : Challenger TAFE

Flexi Grass™ makes a perfect interwoven cage


Tie elements of a design together with curves of Flexi Grass™
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