Bribie Pine
- Scientific Name : Callitris columellaris
- Availability : Throughout the year
- Size : 40-60cm long
- Care : For maximum life and minimum wastage – keep Premium Greens Australia Bribie Pine in the packaging, in the box (if possible), in your coldroom or fridge. This slows the ageing process. They will store easily, and last up to 4 weeks this way. Remove the sleeves and cut the stems when you are ready to use them.
Appearance & Use
Very fine ferny deep green foliage, branched on short-to-medium length stems. The perfect addition to formal bouquets and table arrangements.
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Northside Flower Market
Foliage tablecentres mix native Bribie Pine and exotics

Premium Greens Australia
Bribie Pine for a native Christmas wreath

Sue Young : Gold Coast Floristry School
Bribie Pine softens and fills a protea table arrangement