Emu Grass
- Scientific Name : Podocarpus drouynianus
- Availability : July-December
- Size : 60-70cm long
- Care : For maximum life and minimum wastage – keep Premium Greens Australia Emu Grass in the packaging, in the box (if possible), in your coldroom or fridge. This slows the ageing process. They will store easily, and last up to 4 weeks this way. Remove the sleeves and cut the stems when you are ready to use them.
Appearance & Use
Emu Grass has fine feathery mid-green foliage with a hint of silver-grey, on upright stems. Versatile for all kinds of floral designs and arrangements. The leaves clothe the stems all the way up so the full stem length can be used. The long straight stems make it easy to create a greenery base for bunches and mixed bouquets.
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