Didgery Sticks™
- Scientific Name : Baloskion pallens
- Availability : Throughout the year
- Size : 70-80cm long
- Care : For maximum life and minimum wastage – keep Premium Greens Australia Didgery Sticks™ in their packaging, in the box (if possible), in your coldroom or fridge. This slows the ageing process. They will store easily, and last up to 4 weeks this way. Remove the sleeves and cut the stems when you are ready to use them.
Appearance & Use
Create vibrant floral arrangements with this unique native reed which features attractive bronze rings along the stem. May be used in upright arrangements, woven, or as short lengths in smaller designs.
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Premium Greens Australia
Didgery Sticks™ are flexible enough to weave for creative work

Caitlin North : Canberra IT
Intricate work with Didgery Sticks™ really lifts this arrangement

Premium Greens Australia
Cut Didgery Sticks™ short for compact arrangements