Sapphire Bush™

  • Scientific Name : Persoonia virgata
  • Availability : Throughout the year – berries in season, so not for export all year round
  • Size : 40-60cm long
  • Care : For maximum life and minimum wastage – keep Premium Greens Australia Sapphire Bush™ in the packaging, in the box (if possible), in your coldroom or fridge. This slows the ageing process. They will store easily, and last up to 4 weeks this way. Remove the sleeves and cut the stems when you are ready to use them.

Appearance & Use

Fine feathery vibrant green native foliage used as a filler in bouquets and floral arrangements. Also known as snottygobble or geebung. At certain times of the year it has small bright yellow flowers. For a long-leaved Persoonia, see our Barker Bush

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